The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16362   Message #156062
Posted By: T in Oklahoma (Okiemockbird)
31-Dec-99 - 10:02 AM
Thread Name: Twelve Days of Christmas-for teaching catechism?
Subject: RE: Twelve Days of Christmas
Now I shall tell all!

Methodism was founded by Saint Methodius!

The saxophone was invented by Saxo Grammaticus!

Seriously: this thread is putting out shoots in a number of interesting directions. Whatever may be the case for this particular song, the history of religion, festivals, and merry-making in the British Isles certainly correlates to trends in other areas of culture, such as music. A thread on this topic might be interesting, and well-received.

And there have been, in the English-speaking world, examples of songs used as signals or codes. Certain slave-songs come to mind. I can't think of any examples of a complex, intricate secret mnemonic such as is being suggested for 12DC, though. But a thread on mnemonic songs and verses (e.g. "thirty days hath September...") might be interesting.
