The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81331   Message #1560915
Posted By: Genie
11-Sep-05 - 05:59 AM
Thread Name: BS: Gardening: What are you harvesting?
Subject: RE: BS: Gardening: What are you harvesting?
All this week and last, I've been eating the most delicious blackberries and peaches I've ever tasted! Now I'm starting on wonderful champagne grapes, Niagaras, and purple Concords, which will be around till at least the end of Sept.

These were all grown my preferred way -- i.e, they are "weeds." LOL
Volunteers, every last one of them! ยง;-D

OK, to be accurate, the grape vines weren't originally volunteers (10-20 years ago). But once they took root the first year, all I've ever had to do is cut the li'l buggers back so I can find my house! LOL

The blackberries, of course, are such survival experts that they're officially considered "noxious weeds" in Oregon. But I didn't get them cut back this year till July and August, and by then they were already giving me many pints of luscious berries.   

The peach tree was a bit more of a surprise, to say the least.   A couple years ago, I noticed this "shrub" becoming very tall and gangly and growing like -- well -- like a weed! I thought it must have been some little "bush" I'd planted that thought it was a tree, so I asked my then housemate to cut it down completely.   Fortunately (in this instance), he seldom followed instructions, and the tree survived.   Before I could get it cut down this year, I noticed it had teeny little fuzzy balls all over the place.    I wasn't sure if they were peaches or apricots or some wild cousin, much less whether they would have any taste.
But this "weed" turned out to be a full-blown, well-fruited peach tree -- so laden for its young age that its branched bent to the ground like a weeping willow.   The peaches were nice size, juicy, and sweet!

I had tried growing a domestic peach tree in Portland, OR, many years ago, but it soon succumbed to a dry summer-very cold winter year. I figured this new one must have grown from a peach pit in my compost pile and had the advantage of growing from seed. (Natural selection?)

So, I'm going to plant all the pits from the peaches of this "self-starter" tree and see if big peach trees can again spring from little peach pits.
