The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84435   Message #1561099
Posted By: saulgoldie
11-Sep-05 - 12:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: Barbie explains it all
Subject: RE: BS: Barbie explains it all
Karen Hughes is reported to have compared the looters to the 9/11 terrorists. Perhaps it was said in an interview on the Chris Matthews Show?? Can't find a link, but it was sent to me by someone who is pretty reliable. Anyone else heard of this?

This--"W" & company--really is a crowd of white elitists. (And the pretense of Christianity is just that--an opportunistic pretense.) I really don't understand why anyone who isn't wealthy, connected, and white would want to support them.

I chuckle when they suggest that their is a place at the table for people of color, as if there is anything in the party for them. The only "place at the table" they want a black person is standing, with a towel over their arm waiting to take your plate away (or serving or cooking the food). (Condi Rice and Clarence Thomas don't count as people of color. They just plain aren't.)