The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84567   Message #1561183
Posted By: Dave Swan
11-Sep-05 - 02:49 PM
Thread Name: Santa Cruz Guitars
Subject: RE: Santa Cruz Guitars
Richard Hoover is an old friend of one of my singing partners. When were in Santa Cruz for a job last year, Richard joined us for lunch then took us on a tour of his shop. He maintains several microclimates throughout the building, each appropriate to the wood's needs. We saw the operation from stumps to finished guitars being set up. At each and every station the craftsman took his time with us, but was eager to get back to work. The care, precision and dedication of Richar's staff is obvious. His tool room caused me to slobber. At the tour's end Richard shut down production for a few minutes and asked us to sing in the room in which he delivers guitars. You can imagine the accoustics. We had a warm reception from his staff, who then hurried back to work.

That's what I know about his shop. I'm not a guitar player, but I can recognize dedication, process, and quality control. I can certainly recognize full, clean, warm tone in a guitar, and that I heared in everythin in the shop.
