The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16585   Message #156144
Posted By: paddymac
31-Dec-99 - 01:21 PM
I confess to being a wee bit surprised that there haven't been more FL 'catters respond to this thread. I know of several completely lovable ordinary folks who are also very good musicians who frequently "drop in" to our collective "living room" and "listen" to our myriad conversations, but who have never gotten around to "officially" joining the family. I'm confident that I am not the only one who knows such folks, and I'm equally confident that there are many such folks whom I've not yet had the pleasure of meeting. So, I suggest that we all get busy and get those folks into our "official family", and think about upping the ante and turning Kendall's visit into an excuse for a full-fledged southern Mudcat "event", replete with T-shirts and kindred and such, and even a video. Everybody should polish-up their favorite trad or original piece(s) (i.e.; non-copyrighted stuff) and get ready to smile for the camera. We might even make enough from the video to buy a pint or two!