The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84565   Message #1561793
Posted By: Bill D
12-Sep-05 - 11:20 AM
Thread Name: BS: Belfast Riots
Subject: RE: BS: Belfast Riots
As one who is as neutral as can be imagined...neither Catholic OR Protestant, and only vaguely Irish, and having read stories about all this since about 1970 or so, I see plenty or blame to go around and plenty of narrow, bitter, self-centered views about cause and solutions....much as in the middle-east, the Balkans or Los Angeles.

But in the current context, I must agree totally with Jimmy C. The spark in these troubles was a march, planned and carried out knowing it would open old wounds and dare the hot-heads on the other side to "do something about it" so a claim could be made that "he started it"! The marches seem to me to be 5% celebration and 95% provocation, with no real goal except to assert their 'rights'.

I can just imagine the result if the Israelis, having withdrawn from occupying Gaza, now assert their 'right' to march thru it a couple of times a year. (and I don't care if you consider that an inaccurate makes the point)