The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84572   Message #1562154
Posted By: Helen
12-Sep-05 - 05:40 PM
Thread Name: music has colors
Subject: RE: music has colors
I'm getting ready for work and reading this while drinking my coffee. I'll come back and read it later, properly, but thanks for the interesting thread.

Stigweard, have you ever heard the techno-percussion duo called Leftfield. Their first album called Leftism is my favourite favourite album in the world. It is so complex, with lots of intertwining rhythms, and everytime I listen to it I hear something more. It defies description so don't be put off by the label I use i.e. "techno-percussion". It is a very visual album. The best way to listen to it is to lie down with your eyes shut and "see" the music as it moves around in colours, patterns, shapes and rhythms in your head. I imagine it as an animated piece and I wish I could create what I see and hear.

Also some scientific experiments have been done to find the best music to play while doing brain-intensive work like studying or writing reports or problem solving etc and it appears that Baroque music wins by a mile. has some articles and also some specially selected CD's of music for different types of needs, e.g. relaxation, working, etc.
