The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84572   Message #1562245
Posted By: mississippitom
12-Sep-05 - 07:08 PM
Thread Name: music has colors
Subject: RE: music has colors
I am into audio software big time and looked at some stuff today that will produce colors and animations with the music.

I also found a piece of software that will play music based on the picture one is looking at.After I get a chance to evaluate it I will post something about it.

I will look at all the threads and sites everyone is posting.I checked into quite a bit of good stuff on synesthesia today.

It described exactly what I have experienced and said other things that made a lot of sense as well.One thing that has been discovered about those that experience this is that these people tend to rember things like phone numbers and addreses.

When I was in the workaday world I carried about 200 or so phone numbers in my head.
Another thing they said was that people that have this experience usually do so when they are young.Mine did not happen till this past year.I really think it was because I was to distracted with other things and did not hit that special sound until late in life.

It does not matter how old we are but rather what we are open to and tuned in to.