The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84597   Message #1562562
Posted By: GUEST,Bainbo
13-Sep-05 - 05:47 AM
Thread Name: BS: Well done England
Subject: RE: BS: Well done England
Shame the Aussies are flying home today. After the spirit in which the games were played, and because they were so good and made the matches so thrilling to watch, it would have been nice if they could have made an appearance at Trafalgar Square. Good on yer, Ricky & Co.

As for paying Rupert Murdoch - I don't even have a telly, let alone Sky, so I've been following it on Test Match Special on the steam wireless. Granted, you don't see Warne's terrific spins or Flintoff's joy, but you don't lose any of the tension. You can get it on the internet, too.