The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84597 Message #1562655
Posted By: GUEST,Jon
13-Sep-05 - 08:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: Well done England
Subject: RE: BS: Well done England
I have to say, though, that what I found particularly contemptible was all the 'fashion victims' who suddenly decided that 'cricket is cool' because England was winning.
Such is the nature of the British/English public, DB...
I wouldn't be entierly negative though. I don't think for one moment they all would become passionate followers of cricket, following England through think and thin but there is a good chance that some will have been sold on the game, rather than just the success. The biggest hope of course it that there will be some youngsters within that group - whose to say that a future England star may not have been attracted to the game by this series?