The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84631   Message #1563019
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
13-Sep-05 - 06:05 PM
Thread Name: Not As Good As I Remember It
Subject: Not As Good As I Remember It
Ever been disappointed when you revisit something you really loved in the past, only to find out that it's not as good as you remember it? I just bought a CD re-issue of two old albums I had in the days of vinyl. They are early albums of Bob Gibson. Some of the songs I remember loving so much: Tell Old Bill, Abilene, Lost Jimmie Whalen and I Cone For To Sing sound as great as I remember them. But, some of the other tracks sound very dated and aren't ones I'm likely to listen to again.

Of course, it's not just music.

I remember buying a bottle of Squirt (an old soda pop brand when I was a kid in the Midwest.) It wasn't produced for many years, but Coca Cola or Pepsi bought the brand name and started producing it again. When I took that first swig, expecting a tart, grapefruit bite, it just tasted like a generic version of Seven Up or one a them other Uncolas. In that case, I think that my memory is still accurate. They just aren't making Squirt, anymore. They're just making something with that brand name. Okey Dokey chesse covered popcorn... now there's another story. I used to love it as a kid, and hadn't seen it for many years. When I saw a bag and bought it, darned if it didn't taste as good as I remember it.

There are a lot of reasons why some things aren't as good as we remember them. Sometimes, they may be just as good, but our tastes have changed. I would hope that in the last 50 years of my life that my tastes would have changed. If not, that's pretty pathetic.

This thread is for all of us who have eagerly re-visited a treasured remembrance of the past, only to wonder.. "Why did I ever like Thaaaaat?"

Your turn..
