The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84631   Message #1563051
Posted By: Big Mick
13-Sep-05 - 06:36 PM
Thread Name: Not As Good As I Remember It
Subject: RE: Not As Good As I Remember It
So much of the music is that way for me. I loved the times I lived in. It seemed like every genre from baroque (Left Banke) to folk influenced (too many to name, but Buffalo Springfield was my fav) to blazing rock to Indian to classical (Remember the instrumentation of groups like It's a Beautiful Day) to big band (BS&T, Chicago). When I revisit much of this music, it is just boring. But the stuff that I remember as being the best, still is. It has stood the test of time. I guess that is the way of it.

Now ..... let's get down to what happened to my body.
