The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84631   Message #1563063
Posted By: Stephen L. Rich
13-Sep-05 - 06:52 PM
Thread Name: Not As Good As I Remember It
Subject: RE: Not As Good As I Remember It
Actually, I still like Squirt. In fact I just bought a bottle this afternoon. Although I'll admit that it's not what it was.
as for things that aren't what they were. I just stumbled acroos a bunch of old cassette tapes that I haven't listened to in at least twenty years. Some of them have songs which I've been performing for that long (these are the tapes from which I learned them). When I first heard them i was blown away. Now, listening to them again after so long, I've realized that A) i sing at least as well now as those artists did then, B) ditto for my songwriting, and C) I now play guitar better than most of them. While I still enjoy the recordings and they will always have a soft spot in my heart (head?), I am no longer overwhelmed by them and not no longer aspire to be like them. It is a very strange place in which to find one's self.

Stephen Lee