The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84572   Message #1563409
Posted By: mississippitom
14-Sep-05 - 07:43 AM
Thread Name: music has colors
Subject: RE: music has colors
Thanks for that input Mike.I agree with you about the color in music being a personal thing.I can't tell you why. I believe that.I have no scientific evidence to support it.
I have learned through my life experiences many things and one of them is that everything is affected by everything if that makes sense.\

What has made this thread fascinating is all the great input and the kindness with which it was given as far as I am concerned.

If only we could get this thread and others like it on Mud Cat to carry over to the world at large.That is my goal in life anyway for what it is worth which probably isn't much to anyone except those that understand it and love the positive effect music can have like I do.

If nothing else happens at least my words are not all running together anymore.
Thanks for everyones patience with my writing.So much of what I have been writing has been banging around in my head for so long with no where to go and no one to tell it to it easily gets jumbled.That seems to be getting better.I am sure some of you know what I am talking about.
I want to delve into another topic related to this one.I wonder if a new thread should be started so folks would know what it is about quickly and maybe participate more readily.
The topic is OCD and it's relationship to Artists of the Painting type as well as Muscians and any of the other Art forms.
Some things I have thought about relating to myself and some of the Painters and Composers that Freda turned me on to.What does everyone think?