The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #7439   Message #1563499
Posted By: susanabra
14-Sep-05 - 10:09 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat(THE WORLD) Let us know Pt. II
Subject: RE: Mudcat(THE WORLD) Let us know Pt. II
I'm in Denmark. I found you through the ABE Books forums - a link in Furtive Scribblers.

My father has played bluegrass and folk music for as long as I can remember. My first favorite record was from the Library of Congress. It was a collection of folk songs and ballads, and it was red! I was interested in the idea of all the different versions those songs could have. That was probably 40 years ago, but the interest has held, although my voice is shot to h*ll. I was really glad to find this place!