The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84691   Message #1564527
Posted By: Amos
15-Sep-05 - 04:11 PM
Thread Name: Opinions on Banjos ...
Subject: Opinions on Banjos ...
I have been searching around for a well-made, good sounding banjo which I can use for the rest of my life, I'd like to think, to learn and improve my playing on, both bluegrass and frailing.

I am none too good at either just now, but I intend to become better.

I have seen banjops all over the place ranging from a couple of hundred bucks new for a pretty skimpy looking thing to the $12,000 and 3-years Jubilee (fuggeddaboudit!) shown on Bob Flesher's site.

I am taken by this LOUZEE WALNUT DELUXE beuaty from Elderly, but the price tag is a choking point.

What I want to know is who has found a banjo they love the sound, feel, and look of? What kind and model was it? Where do you know of one for sale second-hand (if you do)? What do you recommend from your experience?

