The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84699   Message #1565144
Posted By: CarolC
16-Sep-05 - 06:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: Greater Federal Authority?
Subject: RE: BS: Greater Federal Authority?
I think the fact that some people want to make it about posse comitatus is far more telling than anything else.

It isn't about posse comitatus (unless Bush wants to make it about posse comitatus). It isn't necessary to use federal forces for law enforcement if the federal forces are: A) providing enough other kinds of support (logistical, communications, transportation of people and/or supplies, equipment, etc.) to free up the local law enforcement agencies and the National Guard for law enforcement purposes, and: B) the National Guard are allowed to remain stateside (along with their equipment), so that there are enough of them to get the job done.

I think the fact that some people (like Bush, for instance) want to make this about posse comitatus, when it is not really about posse comitatus at all, shows us who really wants to increase the powers of the federal government.