The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84802   Message #1567050
Posted By: Trouble at Mill
20-Sep-05 - 03:39 PM
Thread Name: I've upset someone with my Chord Convert
Subject: I've upset someone with my Chord Convert
I had a Chord Converter on my website - most of you will know the type - two
circles of card with the twelve notes going round on both cards. Original
key on outside card and new key on the inside card.

I've just received a phone call followed by this Communication (below)

I have removed the converter

I'm now 51 and first came accross this method of converting Chords/Keys at
school about 1970

My Name is Marc Oglesby i am the inventor of the chord converter you have
published on your pages i
now respectfully ask you to remove it as i have sole copyright on this item
as recorded at the British Patent office 17th May 1995 No. GB95086266.5
If you do not remove this in 48 Hours from now 20/09/2005 i will take legal
action against you.

Your Faithfully
Marc Oglesby