The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84801   Message #1568066
Posted By: Bobert
21-Sep-05 - 08:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: Hurricane Rita, Mother Nature, & FEMA
Subject: RE: BS: Hurricane Rita, Mother Nature, & FEMA
I heard this evening that should Rita hit Texas as a Category 5 hurricane that this would be the first time the US has been hit with 2 Category 5 hurricanes in a single season...


Maybe... Maybe not...

But it does make you think about the wisdom of US bailin' out of the Kioto (sp) Treaty...

Heck, I can't say fir certain that greenhouse gases are heatin' up these waters, that full these hurrincanes, but somethin' that man prolly ain't seen before sho nuff is...

I'd say, even if don't have indesputable evidence here, it's prolly be a good idea to to figure ways to conserve energy and see if that makes a difference... Heck, just conservain' unrenewable energy is a good goal in itself...

BTW, can anyone tell me one componenmt of the Dick Cheney "Energy Policy" other than a "Burn-Baby-Burn" mentality when it comes to fosil fuels???
