The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80010 Message #1568248
Posted By: GUEST,Gadaffi
22-Sep-05 - 04:45 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Buttercup Joe - how old is this song?
Subject: RE: Origins: Buttercup Joe - how old is this song?
Billy, I'm looking at the Folk Music Journal for this one. Starting with the 'Musical Traditions' article (Enthusiasms No. 27), I am trying to place the liaisons stated on some kind of timeline, e.g. he 'met' Laurel and Hardy, but when? (not in Berlin as was stated, I suspect), he went to Berlin with Jack Hylton/Hilton, but when? (easier, there is a website which lists Hylton's continental tours with dates).
I am using the archives of the 'Sussex Express' to accrue information concerning his life locally. The story as to how he was 'discovered' in 1928 makes fascinating reading. There is also a vague Rudyard Kipling link. Curiously, none of the main song collectors were active in the area, so I cannot sraw comparisons. Any help along the way will be gratefully received and duly acknowledged.