The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80010   Message #1568486
Posted By: Billy Weeks
22-Sep-05 - 12:44 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Buttercup Joe - how old is this song?
Subject: RE: Origins: Buttercup Joe - how old is this song?
Thanks Jim -- a warning against relying on memory! If ever I get my Goldring 78 machine working again I'll probably be in for a lot more surprises of this kind, listening to songs that I think I know...

Having now noted the correct published title I see that the BL catalogue gives the Sarey song as by Leigh 1903 - but George Bastow absolutely fits the bill for singer (and is so listed in Kilgarriff) and I can believe co-author, too. Bastow's 'Mary Ann, She's After Me'and 'Never Been Courtin'Afore', which he recorded for the John Bull label about 1913, have a very similar character. The yokel was, of course, only one of Bastow's characters. He was also the original 'Captain Ginjah' and 'The Galloping Major'.

Can't wait to see your piece in FMJ, Gadaffi. I love to see the old definitions of folk fraying at the edges!

Malcolm. I've just noticed that in an early posting to this thread you question the need for pseudonyms. I don't know how others feel about this, but I am glad to appear in fancy dress. It cuts me off nicely from people who know me in another field and would hoot at my amateurish anttics here. Coward? Yup.