The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84217   Message #1568959
Posted By: dianavan
22-Sep-05 - 11:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: Black looters, white finders
Subject: RE: BS: Black looters, white finders
SRS - I won't discuss this with you any further because you are putting words in my mouth. At no time did I dismiss intellectual pursuits and goals.

When you suggest I read Zora Neale Hurston, it tells me you didn't read my post. She happens to be my favorite author. Don't expect everyone to have a deep knowlege of linguistics or even a French feminist perspective on language. We only know what we have experienced and if you forever have your head wrapped up in theory, you will never be able to hear people who tell you how it feels. Don't forget, theories are only good until another theorist proves them wrong. You personify the type of intellectualism that America has grown to disdain. You dismiss others in an attempt to aggrandize yourself. A graduate degree does not mean you are entitled to do that.

Just because someone has the funds to get themselves through graduate school, doesn't mean they have an intellectual edge over those who do not.

Q -
I wasn't speaking specifically about census forms. On census forms I list myself as aboriginal.


Half-breed is a derogatory term used by Whitey. Its insulting.

So what do you think of the explosion of that Kinder-Morgan pipeline in Arizona. Do you think it can't happen in Canada?