The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83915   Message #1569013
Posted By: harpmolly
23-Sep-05 - 02:34 AM
Thread Name: The Wiser Maid (please critique!)
Subject: RE: THE WISER MAID (please critique!)
Sorry to refresh this, but I had to share. :) I think I've managed to finish! I've got a melody written (with the kind assistance of John P, btw) and have tweaked a few more lines. I'm feeling tempted to debut it at this year's Dusty Strings Holiday Open House. *grin* Hopefully it won't put the audience to sleep...

Another friend helped me with that blasted "gold and gems replete" thing. He suggested,

O, then he clasped me in his arms and kissed me long and sweet,
Then on my finger slipped a ring, and knelt down at my feet.
"Oh, what say you, my dear?" quoth he, "shall we to chapel go?"
I bent my lips down to his ear and sweetly answered "No".

Since that was the only line left that I really couldn't stand, I think I can reasonably call the song finished. Mimosas all around!

Thanks again for your help, everybody. If I can figure out how to make a MIDI file of the melody, I'll post it (yeah, sure, that'll happen soon)...
