The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84885   Message #1569226
Posted By: GUEST,Vladimir the Inhaler
23-Sep-05 - 11:27 AM
Thread Name: BS: Happy Birthday, JennyO
Subject: BS: Happy Birthday, JennyO
She of the rosie cheeks
the ginger hair
and the soft velvet drapes..
mother of earth, yet not with a Father of nativity
but more the softer side of Karl Marx
she whose voice undulates and ululates
and unfolds with wicked tales of witches,
cannibalism and breeches,
unto you, the one and only
is it JennyOnly?
JennyOberon's daughter?
or JennyO'the faery folk?
to you I offer
my sweeping cape.
To You my little chicken,
I say, may all your chickens come to roost,
on this day, a Day of Completion and Emergence,
Of sixty circles around the Sun,
a day of fluffy Slippers, or will it be
Slushy Flippers?
as the meat sizzles, i think

Happy Barbie to You, Jenny!

your own cyber-villain
