The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84904 Message #1569769
Posted By: *daylia*
24-Sep-05 - 09:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: Hey, gotta LOVE winter eh?
Subject: BS: Hey, gotta LOVE winter eh?
Watching the devastating onslaughts of Katrina, and now Rita, has had at least one positive and totally unprecedented effect on my typically Canuck mindset / preferred pastimes. In the past, it seems that nothing brought on more pleasure and community spirit than complaining en masse about the weather. But I've come to the conclusion - just today! - that Canada has absolutely the healthiest and most wonderful climate on earth!
I'd take a blizzard over a hurricane any day of the week, thank you very much! At least Winter's fury doesn't leave masses of homeless refugees in her wake. Winter never claims thousands of lives while destroying whole cities, at least in my recollection! THe odd death from exposure or traffic accidents is about the worst our winters bring. And hey, you can always layer up the clothes, all comfy cozy and water-proof, to deal with the snow and cold - but how do you "dress" for months and months of unbearable heat and humidity every year? I just can't imagine ....
Yes, I feel VERY fortunate to be a Canuck today, and I now determine myself - with y'all as my witnesses - to NEVER badmouth our most enviable, kind and oh-so-virtuous climate again!