The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84910   Message #1569933
Posted By: annamill
24-Sep-05 - 03:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: A crazy new love (obsession). Chicita
Subject: BS: A crazy new love (obsession). Chicita
Now, I hate spiders! Well, at least I don't like them around me. I guess I should say I'm scared to hell of spiders. BUT..

at work I have found an amazing girl. I call her Chicita (little girl) and I have been watching her for weeks now. I won't let the grounds keeper near her. I took him and showed her to him and tried to tell him, in my best non-spanish, not to kill her when he trimmed the bushes. He seemed to understand, looked at me like I was nutz, but agreed.

I have watched her tine mate, about 1/4 her size try his best to get close and I'm pretty sure he made it. He seems to have disappeared tho. Seems Chicita eats her mate after mating. She's eating like crazy and getting fat. It is her season to lay her eggs and I think she's getting there.

The thing is, I have never seen such a beautiful spider. She's silver (a shiny silver) and has black markings and her long legs are banded with silver and black. If she was a piece of jewelry she'd sell quick.

Here is a picture and some words about her. I guess I'm not the only one enamoured by her.


I know. Get a life.

Love, Annamill