The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84898   Message #1569991
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
24-Sep-05 - 06:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Iraq Issues Warrant of British Soldiers
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Issues Warrant of British Soldiers
Two foreigners dressed in civilian clothes are stopped, and it is found that their car is loaded with weapons. There is a gunfight in which a policeman is shot dead and others wounded. The two men are arrested. Subsequently armed colleagues of the arrested men attack the local jail. In spite of attempts by locals, using makeshift weapons, to prevent them, they break open the jail, and release 150 prisoners, including the two men under arrest.

I think that in most countries this would be likely to lead to some arrest warrants being issued. Just try getting away with that kind of stuff in London or New York...

There has to be a suspicion about what the two arrested men were up to. Perhaps they were not engaged in some kind of dirty tricks operation, such as have frequently taken place in other conflict situations, but the fact that they were apparently members of the British Army is not sufficient in itself to eliminate such suspicions, and some kind of independent investigation would be appropriate.