The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84906   Message #1570038
Posted By: Bobert
24-Sep-05 - 08:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Halliburton owns the U.S. government
Subject: RE: BS: Halliburton owns the U.S. government
Well, yeah, d, they kinda do... See, they are perfectly content sharin' the governemnt with other corporation so long as it doesn't cost them any real money...

As to the question of when the American people will have had enough? This is way more difficult to answer because on the following:

1. The elections in the US are totally corrupt... Not only can't they run an election that is fair but even if they did, some 85 % of all districts have been so gernmandered that it wouldn't matter...

2. The corpoartions own the media and so that Jeffersonian idea that democracy depends on an infgormed electorate goes right out the window...

3. The "Soutern Strategy" is so successfull that it nowe works in the midwest as well... Whereever you have ignorant people all you have to do is throw out a few "Do you want beaucrats in yer pockets" 'er "Do you want liberals killin' yer babies" and enough of these ingorant folks will show to the polls to get yet another Corporate owned Rebub. elected...


4. The American people are, deep down inside, very afarid... They are bombarded with stuff that is intended to make them so... Look at the news... Half of it is about stuff that keeps folks afraid... This is the best climate for the corporations to beat down the working class... The corporate CEO's ain't afraid but they well understand that if they keep the wiorking class afraid that the working class will work for less money, will not ask for national health care, etc. etc...

and lastly...

5. The American people are in debt up to their necks. Rather than the rich using the all that dough to build factories and infastruncture to insure American jobs they threw it all into investments which ended up financing the houses that Americans are buying??? Yeah, this has kept the economy (falsely) looking good on paper but there is an end in sight and when lots of these folks find that the jobs they have are ditrectly or indirectly being financed by the loose credit in the housing industry... discover, ahhh, that folks ain't buyin' homes bno more... When this happens this economy will come down like a house of cards and expose the tax cuts fir waht they were... Just another redistribution of even more waelth (thru interest paid by the workin' class for these homes) upwards and away from a working class that may never ever get to retire...

So, how will it change??? I'm not too sure... I reckon it will change the way that every empire that has ever existed changed... It will implode from the greed of it's moneyed class and its leaders...
