The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84904   Message #1570081
Posted By: Rapparee
24-Sep-05 - 10:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: Hey, gotta LOVE winter eh?
Subject: RE: BS: Hey, gotta LOVE winter eh?
Last winter we had 24 inches of dry, powder, snow. It didn't get below -5 F., and that was a dry cold -- most of the winter I wore a jacket to and from work.

I do have a parka rated to something like -2,000 degrees F. In the last two winters here I've worn it once.

This summer I don't think it got over 95 F., and it was a dry heat.

It's not so bad...he said, realizing that because he said it this winter will have weeks on end of snow, wind, and -40 F. temperatures....