The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83714   Message #1570148
Posted By: mg
25-Sep-05 - 01:28 AM
Thread Name: SUNNYCAMP 2005
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005
it is going to be fun..might have to call it foggycamp never has been foggy in the mornings a lot but then it breaks up and has been glorious. Bring warm wool and fleece because the cabins are not just chilly but clammy if it is foggy. please bring an ax or hatchet if you have one. I'm getting some nice cedar for kindling. Still not sure about the salmon situation but I am hopeful...don't worry we have lots of granola instead...just made it..i'm really looking forward to it...remember the boathouse is for instrumentalists, of which there might be more than usual so they ahve priority. I hope the little teahouse is available for small quiet is so cute...otherwise, we'll have to commander cabins. remember folding chairs...we apparently have none there anymore and I will be bringing a few from work but otherwise it is those benches. Look for a streamer and maybe orange paper plates and blinking lights where you have to turn in..not hard to find in daylight but hard at night but it is right past the port of peninsula and a bit before you get to the Harbor View motel so backtrack if you see that. If you really get lost, ask someone how to get back to Jack's store and from there, go to the stoplight as though you were heading north (ocean on your left). Turn right at light at jack's. Go about a mile. Road turns into a t. Turn left..go about another mile past Port of Peninsula sign...just a little ways, about a city block, you will see a clump of trees on right...should be a streamer or some lights..turn in and then turn left into parking...hope for a beautiful sunset... lmg