The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84904   Message #1570234
Posted By: *daylia*
25-Sep-05 - 08:03 AM
Thread Name: BS: Hey, gotta LOVE winter eh?
Subject: RE: BS: Hey, gotta LOVE winter eh?
It's not so bad...he said, realizing that because he said it this winter will have weeks on end of snow, wind, and -40 F. temperatures....

That'll last until the first stretch of 40 below and the car won't start ... However, nice thought, daylia.

Well, I dunno ye nay-sayers, y'may be right. My speech can get pretty icy when it's 40 below, but hey, just looking out my window this morning I'm thinkin maybe Mother Nature has resolved to help me out a bit this year.   

Something quite strange is going on weather-wise, at least in my neck of the woods right now. Have the trees elected NOT to change color this year, or what? Here it's almost October, and the big Norway Maple in front of my house is still fully clothed, looking like the Jolly Green Giant! A few of the scrub maples lining the road are just now starting to go orange, but that's about it. My son was camping in Algonquin Park last weekend, and I asked how the colours were doing up there, thinking that it might look a bit more seasonal a couple hundred miles north of where I am. He said ... notta. Looks about the same as here, he said.

Hmmmmm ... maybe we won't get Winter at all this year (she says hopefully!)   I, for one, wouldn't mind being autumnized for an extra few months instead...

Is it the same where you are down East, sIx?   And out there by the Rockies, Peace?