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Thread #84796   Message #1570398
Posted By: GUEST
25-Sep-05 - 02:32 PM
Thread Name: BBC2/PBS Sept 26 No Direction Home
Subject: RE: BBC2/PBS Sept 26 No Direction Home
Oooh, guest2, I must have hit a nerve in a big Dylan fan.

Look, I really love a lot of Dylan songs. I've never considered him more than a mediocre musician (compared to many of his contemporaries), and of course, we all know he is no singer (hence, not the greatest "singer-songwriter" of his generation).

The last album I bought of Dylan's I thought was really excellent was 'Desire'. In the decade between 'Blonde on Blonde' and 'Desire' I wasn't all that impressed with much of Dylan's work. And since 'Desire' I haven't been impressed with him at all--just the opposite. He seems to be a musician long past his own shelf life, living off his laurels. His fan base, to me, has always been the sorts of folks who lined the parade route to cheer on their beloved Emperor With No Clothes. That goes double for the music journals and journalists who have made lots of money over the years perpetuating the "voice of a generation" myth.

I think Scorcese is egomaniacal, to the detriment of many his works. Yet, that doesn't stop film critics and his movie fans from declaring him "the filmmaker of his generation". And BTW, I loved 'The Last Waltz'.

People of a certain age and education level should really be able to distinguish truth from hype. I think one of Dylan's main problems with controlling his own image, is he never did manage to do that for himself, much less his fan base (which I believe he proved in 'Chronicles').

Instead of taking pot shots at me, why not actually say something of substance?

Your response makes me think you may be one of those Dylan worshippers, who prefers to hear no criticism about St. Bob.