The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84904   Message #1570803
Posted By: artbrooks
26-Sep-05 - 08:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: Hey, gotta LOVE winter eh?
Subject: RE: BS: Hey, gotta LOVE winter eh?
Ron Davies: Shush...somebody might hear you...

I think it hit 101 this summer, and it was unusually hot. Nightimes in August are in the low to mid-70s. We're looking at 85/62F (29/16C) today. The humidity is considered high here when it reaches 35%. Fresh water is certainly available, but you do need to be reasonable about it...the Rio Grande flows year 'round, but you can walk across it without getting your knees wet right now. Tap water tastes good! Hummers? Well, mostly black-chinned but they are all over the place.

Winter? I think we got a total snowfall of six inches last year. Wanna drive in slush and snow? Go to Santa Fe. Wanna ski? Go to Taos.

Art in Albuquerque.