The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84904   Message #1570920
Posted By: Ebbie
26-Sep-05 - 12:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: Hey, gotta LOVE winter eh?
Subject: RE: BS: Hey, gotta LOVE winter eh?
Rain Country

In the winter it's raining; the clouds are dark and low
It's the normal condition- everybody wants it so
With snow-covered mountains, the valleys wet below-
In Southeast Alaska we have more rain than snow.

In Spring the clouds are heavy with impending change
Fog and hail, brief sun and wind, we go all the range
There is no predicting but always - or in the main-
In Southeast Alaska in spring there is rain.

Ah, but in the summer, the misty air's serene
Clothes damp-dry on the line, the grass is cool and green
But hang your coat by the fire lest you go out again
In Southeast Alaska, summer brings rain

In Autumn the storms return, dark clouds are in the sky
Wind strips leaves from all the trees and sends them flying high
Waters rush, galoshes slosh- a familiar refrain:
In Southeast Alaska, it's raining. Again.

We're a special kind of people who live here, don't you know
We've made our peace with weather - with rain, not with snow
So we take pride in saying, though it may cause some pain
In Southeast Alaska, bring on the rain
This is Southeast Alaska- Bring on the rain!