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Thread #84952   Message #1571049
Posted By: Jimmy C
26-Sep-05 - 04:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: I.R.A. Decommissioning
Subject: BS: I.R.A. Decissioning
News from Ireland that the I.R.A. has put all it's weapons beyond use. Thia act was witnessed by the decomissioning committee, one catholic clergyman and one protestant clergyman. This news should be welcomed with relief and open arms ? one would think,

Well think again. Almost immediately the Loyalist leaders and politicians are saying that it is not enough. (which is what I expected to hear anyway.). For all those who in the past have jumped on the bandwagon and condemned the I.R.A. for one thing or another, forgetting the fact that the I/R.A. has adhered to it's ceasefire since 1997/98, The following is part of a statement from a leading unionist.

Please bear this statement in mind when trying to pin the blame for the troubles in N.Ireland, almost entirely on the Nationalist and the I.R.A.


General John de Chastelain will not see loyalists decommission if "he lives to be 208", a prominent loyalist has said.
The general said he was satisfied the IRA had given up all its weapons, and said he hoped loyalists would as well.

Sammy Duddy, a member of the Ulster Political Research Group - which advises the UDA, said loyalists would not follow the IRA's lead.

"The general has no chance of seeing that achieved. Should he live to be 208, he'll never see it," he said.

"He's living in cloud-cuckoo-land if he thinks the loyalists are going to decommission and do what the IRA's doing.

'Greatest fear'

"You see, the IRA have all the clout, this is how they've come to the table today.

"They've all the clout, they can go and make another Canary Wharf tomorrow.

"The greatest fear is the threat of a united Ireland. As I said it would be resisted by all and every opportunity and we don't care about other things as such."


As one who has more thatn a passing interest in these development my congtatulations goes out to Sinn- Fein and the I.R.A for taking this tremendous step and leap of faith.

My prayers are also with those nationalist communities in Belfast, Derry. Arnagh, Newry, and other little towns throughout the 6 counties, because they are now in greater danger than ever,. The statement from Sammy Duddy means only one thing, that is that the catholic/natiolist areas will be attacked, tormented, goaded to a greater degree than we have seen or some time by radical loyalist hoping against hope for soem sort of retalitory response so they can break the peace accord. An accord that they never supported in the first place. In previous threads, myself and others have stated that the unionistst's want nothing short of a return to the the old days when they ruled the roost. - Mark my words, in the coming weeks the attacks on catholics and catholic neighbourhoods will increase. I hope the ones who were critical about the McCartney murders will get their eyes open and I hope they are as critical of the loyalists as they have been of the I.R.A.

Jimmy C