The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84899   Message #1571143
Posted By: Dead Horse
26-Sep-05 - 08:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: For Scots and Scottish expats only
Subject: RE: BS: For Scots and Scottish expats only
The pronunciation of "dahn" was introduced by the McCockerknees from the lowlands (lowlands low) (they had to be born within the sounds of Gorbells)so as to differentiate between "doon" which also means a small expanse of sand. Not wanting to do with anything "expansive" (you know the Scots and their wallets!) they preferred "dahn", OK?
Dead Horse McAnderson, wots got his own tartan, AND can recognosize it at more than 50 paces, so there!
AND I've just had several large glasses of McJDs (Jock Daniels to you)
And if any body tries to pat me, they better be female or willing to fight!!!