The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76690   Message #1571144
Posted By: Bard Judith
26-Sep-05 - 08:35 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Dunderbeck
Subject: RE: Origins: Dunderback's Terrible Machine(Dunderb
How odd and how delightful!

I heard this one from my parents as "Gunderbeck"... which may open up another whole can of wiggly mispellings, but hey... here are the few fragments I remember(oral transmission strikes again!)

There was a fat old German and his name was Gunderbeck,
He liked to eat his sausages with sauerkraut and speck...
(missing two lines)

Oh Gunderbeck, oh Gunderbeck, how could you be so mean?
Now pussy cats and long-tailed rats will nevermore be seen,
They're all ground up for sausage meat
In Gunderbeck's machine!

... (missing lines)
His wife came by and shut the door, her vision it was dim.
She gave the crank a heck of a yank, and that was the end of him!

Note that here he is called 'Gunderbeck' and is specifically German. The three foodstuffs seem to have hung on tenaciously throughout the variants, as well as the sausage ingredients, though!