The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84952   Message #1571314
Posted By: Peter K (Fionn)
27-Sep-05 - 05:31 AM
Thread Name: BS: I.R.A. Decommissioning
Subject: RE: BS: I.R.A. Decissioning
"Peter K. I don't know much about Rhodesia but I do know that defeated armies usually pile their weapons in a bunch to be witnessed by all. However the I.R.A. were not defeated"

You don't indeed know much about it, Jimmy. Zanu PF and Zapu PF were not defeated. In fact they were the outright winners. That's why Rhodesia is now Zimbabwe. I'm pointing this out only because it directly undermines the point you tried to make.

From the fact that you see a continuing case for private armies I assume you are not content with democratic process. That attitude raises legitimate concerns in the minds of decent prods, of whom there are some, believe it or not. Understandably so in my view.

Keith A, you're absolutely right. These threads tend to be tediously one-sided, with some contributors incapable of seeing the problems from any standpoint but their own.