The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84904   Message #1571486
Posted By: *daylia*
27-Sep-05 - 10:28 AM
Thread Name: BS: Hey, gotta LOVE winter eh?
Subject: RE: BS: Hey, gotta LOVE winter eh?
Ooo gotta stay away from those, SRS. Poison ivy can be so deceptively lovely -- those bright little red berries and the deep green shiny leaves that turn gold and orange and red in the fall ... reminds me of a song by the Northern Pikes --- "She ain't pretty, she just looks that way!"

Hey Mr Gnu Brunswick   :-D   you may be right. It IS looking just a bit more golden-orange out there today, with the birches and aspens turning, but the maples and oaks and poplars? Seems the bigger they are, the greener they're staying! I've remember years where it looked like this in the middle of August, never mind the end of Sept! Maybe it's because we really haven't had the cold nights yet this year - hey, maybe the leaves will fall while they're still green! One of my student's moms just told me she drove to Sault Ste Marie on the weekend, looking forward to the typical fall vistas of blazing northern colours - but she was disappointed. Looks just like here, she said. Hmmmm ....

If this keeps up, and we get Autumnized till about February this year and then break IMMEDIATELY into Spring, you sure won't be hearing any complaints from me! THe ski resorts would certainly make up for it though....