The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84952   Message #1571685
Posted By: Big Mick
27-Sep-05 - 03:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: I.R.A. Decommissioning
Subject: RE: BS: I.R.A. Decissioning
I am so tired of these apologist bastards. Perhaps you would be satisfied if all the IRA soldiers stood up against a wall and allowed themselves to be killed to prove that the violence is over??????? Listen ...... they decommissioned their arms, they allow their children to be harassed, they have done everything possible to bring peace. The Unionist/Loyalists continue to try and sabotage the process, harass children, burn houses, shoot police officers, and brand as traitor anyone who dares try and end this.

WHAT DOES IT TAKE???????? And when some father goes crazy at the thought of a family member being hurt or killed and reacts, you apologizist assholes will sit smugly and say, "See!"

The Nationalists continue to be the ones trying to change this to a political process. They are showing restraint and bravery. Just look at the response from the other side. And over what??? The thought that Catholics might have some say in where they live,how they live and how they are governed? One man, one vote, and no gerrymandering. Now there is a concept.

Those that equivocate on the issue are idiots. It is time for peace and politics. I find it laughable and hypocritical that the self same folks that decried the bombings and violence committed in the name of Irish freedom, now seek to alibi those that would destroy the chance at equality and peace. My Grandmother, born and raised in Athlone, would say that what you are speaks louder than what you say you are.
