The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84885   Message #1571827
Posted By: JennyO
28-Sep-05 - 12:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Happy Birthday, JennyO
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday, JennyO
Refreshing this for the last time - being at the end of my birthday week. It's the 29th here now.

We had a fantastic session on the James Craig. It was the biggest crowd I've ever seen there! As well as all but one of the Roaring Forties, there were lots of other good singers, and a Morris side - Black Joak Morris (I think John was responsible for them - he knows I like them). John sang both the birthday shanties, which led to someone asking me to sing Micca's "The Hash my Father Scored", which went down very well with those who hadn't heard it before, and later John sang the real "Anderson's Coast". Black Joak Morris danced on the deck, there was a lovely chocolate and cream birthday cake with strawberries, and some nice prezzies. What a great night!

I took some photos with my new digital camera (courtesy of my son). Now all I have to do is figure out where to put them so I can let people see them - it's a big learning curve at the moment.

So that's it for another year, and the spectre of the number 59 is gone forever. Bring on the next 40 years!!!
