The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84992   Message #1572116
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
29-Sep-05 - 11:19 AM
Thread Name: BS: Evolution as Heresy?
Subject: RE: BS: Evolution as Heresy?
Guest 09:53 am.

Which recent discoveries support your case? You cannot expect to be taken seriously if you do not support your assertion with evidence as to the source.

From extensive research, I have not found any instance of scientists denying the ID scenario outright. They have merely stated that there is no scientific necessity for the existence of a supreme being.

ID can neither be scientifically proved, nor disproved, relying as it does on faith. There are millions of people around the world who believe implicitly in astrology. Is it your contention that astrology should be taught in school as a science subject?

If so, where do YOU draw the line?

Little green men from Mars, perhaps?

BTW, before you jump all over me in righteous wrath, I DO believe in God. I am not, however, so besotted with that fact as to insist that there is any scientific evidence for my faith. There is not!

Teach religion by all means, but AS religion, not as science.

Don T.