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Thread #84898   Message #1572286
Posted By: Teribus
29-Sep-05 - 02:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: Iraq Issues Warrant of British Soldiers
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Issues Warrant of British Soldiers
The Dissident Voice eh? No fear of biased reporting from them.

The author John Pilger discounts reports of those on the scene and writes authoritively from afar and that must be believed - maybe by the looney left but not by me. The BBC showed the police station they showed the house that was stormed, they interviewed the troops present, they showed the warrior personnel carrier being attacked. Although not a great fan of the BBC in this instance I am prepared to belive them.

Pilger asks a question regarding whether or not expolsives and a timing device were found in the car being used by the two soldiers, then carries on working on the premise that there was - total supposition on his part - not mentioned anywhere else - so Pilger must be correct - how bloody pathetic.

Ake, two points regarding the operation mounted to free the men.

Point 1 - why were they handed over to a militia group? Could it possibly have anything to do with the arrest the day before of the leader of one of the militia groups the day before. The soldiers were handed over to provide that group with some leverage, the soldiers would be no good to them dead.

Point 2 - the timescale of the arrest by police through to the mounting of the raid on the house was fairly swift and totally unexpected (It has not been done before).