The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84992   Message #1573187
Posted By: GUEST,Boab
01-Oct-05 - 02:11 AM
Thread Name: BS: Evolution as Heresy?
Subject: RE: BS: Evolution as Heresy?
I don't particularly wish to be embroiled in any argy-bargy involving "I.D." and Evolution. All I'd say is there are false assumptions being put forward by both sides [er===more by one side than the other-----?] .Something I would like to put on the page however; much has been made of physical evolution, and rightly so---it has certainly been progressing over millions of years--[and I'm still not taking sides---]; what has seemingly been ignored is the NON-EVOLUTIONARY apparent explosion of human INTELLIGENCE. There almost certainly were many eons of human existence which threw up very little in the way of a brainpower which showed marked superiority over other mammals. Even the ancient Chinese civilisations are very recent in the long, long journey from ape to man. It was in those times that mankind SUDDENLY displayed a propensity for reasoned thinking, and inventiveness. You may think Archimedes, Aristotle et al. were figures in the distant past. So, why were those members of humanity so well developed mentally that they could come up with the foundations of, say, mathematics? How many humans today, starting from the same base of s[parse knowledge, would be likely to do exactly as they did? That, as far as I can see,puts the intelligence of human populations of some thousands of years ago practically on a par with those of the present day. Before men like these appeared--and in the timescale of "evolution" it was just yesterday---technological progress seemed to be almost invisible. If there was, thus, a sudden upsurge in human intelligence and subsequent knowledge, what triggered it, and why?