The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85093   Message #1574496
Posted By: GUEST
03-Oct-05 - 12:38 AM
Thread Name: BS: Really... Why Rebuild N.O.'s???...
Subject: RE: BS: Really... Why Rebuild N.O.'s???...
ok..bobert, your original post makes you sound like your a damn idiot.

why rebuild new orleans?

1. it's filled with a huge portion of U.S. history and some of the best examples of architecture in the U.S.

2. It is the worlds capital of blues music

3. It's the nations most important port, with out it..our importing would be much more difficult and the costs would increase becuase they would need to use several different, and more expensive, means of product transportation

4. oh yeah and not to mention its the hometown and living space of thousands of peoples...whos lifes are based there.

I hope alot of people who know you don't see this, so you don't look like a complete idiot to them