The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84963   Message #1574849
Posted By: MuddleC
03-Oct-05 - 03:35 PM
Thread Name: Music next weekend - North West Leicestershire
Subject: RE: Music next weekend - North West Leicestershire
Thanks to the Good Witch of the West for a right royal do. Who needs a pit-bull around to control the natives when you've got Lynne??!!
It was indeed a memorable weekend and thanks to everyone who sang or played, and indeed listened!
The only problems that occurred were broken strings and several infringements of the folk music code, but the voices made me do it...

Shady lady emptied the jelly bean machine and I will never forget that special rendition of Benjamain Bowmaneer in several keys at once, but not neccesarily on the same bunch.

If you ever get lost in Donisthorpe, Lynne is now the offical directions giver, can't miss her at the head of the 'folkie crocodile'.
Thanks again for a memorable weekend, one which was very special for me, must go, my nails need painting.......