The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16597   Message #157506
Posted By: Peter T.
03-Jan-00 - 04:43 PM
Thread Name: Your occupation vs. your music style
Subject: RE: Your occupation vs. your music style
Another leftie playing right. I am incapable of playing much of anything in part because the two different brain styles clash in my head. I can neither memorize by rote, nor by exercise: I can do both about halfway, but neither stick, very well. I have to know the structure logically before I can pick it up by ear, and not even then very well. I envy both the intuitive, and the readers: being neither. I have not found any method that works for me, except a sort of hodge-podge. There must be a rhythm of learning for muddlers, but I haven't hit it yet. It is depressing.
yours, Peter T.