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Thread #84898   Message #1575851
Posted By: Teribus
04-Oct-05 - 05:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: Iraq Issues Warrant of British Soldiers
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Issues Warrant of British Soldiers
In chronological order:

GUEST 03 Oct 05 - 09:56 AM - Somebody trampin' on your corns pal or do you own the site. This happens to be an open forum, please explain to me exactly what right you have to tell anybody what they can or cannot say. One question - How come it's only the socialist left-wing tosser's on this forum who are continually telling people to shut up, and then bleat on about repression - slight hint pal, "Awa and bile yer heid".

dianavan - 04 Oct 05 - 02:19 AM

The weapons in their possession were? Fact please not what Mr Pilger, in the process of creating a story supposed.

"Reminds me of Belfast." Oddly enough Dianavan same for me apart from the following difference, the crews in the cars then consisted of four men:
- A driver
- An Observer
- A Cameraman
- A gunner whose choice of weapon was entirely his own

What they were doing Dianavan was intelligence gathering, nothing more, nothing less. If you doubt that please explain why the Central Government in Baghdad, Central Command or the British Army would:
a) Decrease troop levels by more than 67%.
b) Then foment a civil war in their sector.

No doubt you will come up with a reason, but I don't think I'll swallow it.