The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83714   Message #1576099
Posted By: Barbara
04-Oct-05 - 09:29 PM
Thread Name: SUNNYCAMP 2005
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005
Sorry, Stewart, I didn't realize you were a mudcatter. I'm not here much these days (too busy), but yes, it was good to see you and your spice again.
The one thing I think I could have done differently, was to make new people more welcome, by talk and action. To begin with, I wasn't sure who was new to whom, but I did notice that for some people, it's hard to break into the circle and interrupt others. I was guilty of walking between one of the folks and her music stand a couple times as I tried to find my way thru the press to the bathroom, and it was rude, especially since I didn't ask or apologize. The only thing I can say in my defense is I get that way when I haven't had enough sleep.
Some people need more encouragement than others, and it's wise to notice them and offer it. At least I think so, because I've been there. When I walked in Friday night, there was a whole room full of folks and I knew three or four of them. I figured they were a pack and must all know each other (not true).

A friend of mine once told me that whenever he is feeling left out at a music gathering, he finds someone else and welcomes them.

More distribution of name tags might have helped too.
