The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83714   Message #1576186
Posted By: open mike
05-Oct-05 - 01:41 AM
Thread Name: SUNNYCAMP 2005
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005
it was so good to put faces and voices to the names!!
and oh, what a great variety of voices we had!
and a couple of mud cat shirts made appearances
What a nice peninsula you have mary!
and nice neighbors...most there were
from around portland or seattle
as far as i could tell.

did anyone else notice the wonderful mural
on sandridge road south of the camp>?
when i stopped to take a picture,
the guy who's building it was on
came around to point out to me the
things in the picture..eagles, elk,
and timbers, which after being dragged
on the ground get worn down on one side.
i had to leave the blueberries and cranberries
for the bears, cuz it was pouring rain as i left.

abbie says thanks for the girls who took her for walks
and gave her attention...

i brought a sand castle book, and did not go build one,
but next year, let's do a giant one!

thank you mary for organizing this...did anyone get
pictures of all the beautiful water colors??

Laurel--open mike